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Application Form
Full name
The passport
(series, number, by whom and when issued)
Your phone number for communication:
Applicant for a place:
Residence address, nearest metro station
Registration by passport
How old are you?
Place of Birth
Have a registration?
(For nonresidents)
Education (indicate basic and additional: technical school, university, courses, etc.)
Foreign languages studied at school, university
level of proficiency (not fluent / basic, conversational, perfect)
Describe your 3 places of work in accordance with the vacancy
Total experience
Pedagogical / Medical
Place of previous work:
How many years have you worked in families? Number of families?
Describe previous experience working with families (in great detail)
who worked, how much, your responsibilities, were there children and how old they were, your salary
Why did you leave your previous job?
Current work position
Age of children most attractive to work
Estimated employment (desirable work schedule)
The possibility of going to work outside the city
Select all that apply
I can go to the dacha for 5-6 days
I can go to the dacha for 2-3 days
I can go to another country
What do you have?
International passport
Driver license
My own car
What can you do?
Select all that apply
Cooking food
Cooking for children (knowledge of childrens cuisine)
Cleaning of the apartment
Family status. Your partners job
Bad habits
About animals
I like / dont like (what kind of animals), know how / dont know how to look after, allergies
Why did you choose this particular job?
What are your strengths?
(describe 5 qualities useful for work)
Additional information
As detailed as possible: skills and abilities (for the selected vacancy)
Do you have chronic diseases? How do you feel yourself?
The presence of medical records / analysis
I have
I have not
What agencies are you applying for?
Have you or your close relatives been convicted. (When and for what)
Minimum and desired salary level
Information for agency only
By clicking Yes, everything is correct, you agree with the text written below
All information provided by me is accurate. Willing to undergo additional mental health testing and medical clearance, if necessary. I agree to carry out verification measures against me by the bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
Your consent
By clicking the I agree button, you agree to the use of personal data solely for the purpose of forming the personnel workflow of the recruiting agency
I agree
Dont agree
Date of completion
Your signature (Full name)
Your resume, photo and other files